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Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Elephant Seal Bull

 Elephant Seal Bull
 Elephant Seal Bull
 Elephant Seal Bull
 Elephant Seal Bull
 Elephant Seal Bull
 Elephant Seal Bull
 Elephant Seal Bull
 Elephant Seal Bull
 Elephant Seal Bull
 Elephant Seal Bull
 Elephant Seal Bull
Elephant Seal Bull

Cute White Fluffy Puppie

Wouldn't a puppy be the perfect stocking stuffer?

Righto, so this is going to unfortunately be my last regular post for a few weeks ... as some of you may have read, I have a very large 4000km drive ahead of me to get home to Adelaide for Christmas (my little bro is doing it with me for the last half thank goodness!), and then a further drive on to Melbourne afterwards to start my new job and new life!

Very exciting ... but posting will be a little sparse ...

I hope the lead up to your Chrissie will be a little more relaxing and joyous ... will be back soon dear friends xx

 Cute White Fluffy Puppie
  Cute White Fluffy Puppie
  Cute White Fluffy Puppie
  Cute White Fluffy Puppie
  Cute White Fluffy Puppie
  Cute White Fluffy Puppie
  Cute White Fluffy Puppie
  Cute White Fluffy Puppie
  Cute White Fluffy Puppie
 Cute White Fluffy Puppie

Monday, 14 November 2011

Funny Camel Jokes

 Funny Camel Jokes
  Funny Camel Jokes
  Funny Camel Jokes
  Funny Camel Jokes
  Funny Camel Jokes
  Funny Camel Jokes
  Funny Camel Jokes
 Funny Camel Jokes

Silly Doggies

 Silly Doggies
  Silly Doggies
  Silly Doggies
  Silly Doggies
  Silly Doggies
  Silly Doggies
  Silly Doggies
  Silly Doggies
  Silly Doggies
 Silly Doggies

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Funny Beaver

 Funny Beaver
  Funny Beaver
  Funny Beaver
  Funny Beaver
  Funny Beaver
  Funny Beaver
  Funny Beaver
  Funny Beaver
 Funny Beaver

Funny Leopard Images

 Funny Leopard
  Funny Leopard
  Funny Leopard
  Funny Leopard
  Funny Leopard
  Funny Leopard
 Funny Leopard

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